The compound semiconductor micro-structural material and device have important applications in photoelectron and microwave and millimeter-wave systems such as the infrared remote sensing, the environmental health and safety, the wireless communication, the optical communication, the intelligent transportation and infrared countermeasure. Major scientific and technical achievements in the Shanghai Institute of Micro-system and Information Technology (hereafter referred to as Institute for short) include: the Mid-IR Turnable Distributed Feedback Quantum Cascade Lasers which could run with temperature higher than the room temperature impulse and be applied in inspecting trace gas. The 2mm-wavelength antimonide quantum-well laser could run continuously with temperature higher than the room temperature, characterized by the single-mode adapitibility. The short-wave infrared (1-3μm) wavelength InGaAs detector material and device are applicable to the infrared remote sensing and laser radar etc. Developed the 2-4 inches of InP-based and GaAs-based phosphor-contained compound Heterojunction Bipolor Transistar (HBT for short) epitaxial material.