Dr. Wei Li received his Ph.D. in Microelectronics and solid-state electronics from Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010, and received another Ph.D. in condensed matter physics and material physics from University de Caen in 2010. In 2007, Dr. Wei Li proposed and demonstrated a novel Green-function-based algorithm that realized the calculation of the evanescent waves and radiative waves independently. Based on the algorithm, in 2010, Dr. Wei Li proposed a new method to sense the tiny change of the refractive index of a medium by evanescent waves, by which the sensitivity was more than 1000 times larger and the device size is more than 10 times smaller than that by the traditional radiative-wave-based sensor proposal. The related work was published as the cover paper in APL 2011. From 2012, Dr. Wei Li proposed novel micro & nano structures and devices to manipulate light, including nonreciprocal photonic waveguide, tunable topological nontrivial interface, all-directional diffraction-free photonic crystals, and optical nano antennas, etc. The related results were presented in more than 40 papers which were published in APL/OL/OE/PRA etc.
B. S., Optics information science and technology, 2004, Hubei University;
Ph.D., Microelectronics and solid-state electronics, 2010, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Ph.D., Condensed matter physics and material physics, 2010, University de Caen, France.
Professor, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and information technology, 2019-Present
Associate Professor, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013-2018
Assistant Professor, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010-2012
2015 Principal Investigator in China Southern Power Grid Project “Application technology of the incoherent OFDR distributed fiber sensor for the real time temperature measurement and early-warning”.
2014 Principal Investigator in Shanghai Science and Technology Committee Project “Silicon-based metamaterials and nano optical field manipulation”.2014 Principal Investigator in National Natural Science Foundation of China Project “Subwavelength light steering and vertical light outgoing based on a single row of silicon nanoparticles ”.
2012 Principal Investigator in National Natural Science Foundation of China Project “External field control of metric-signature-transition-like and big flash processes in metamaterials”.
2011 Principal Investigator in Shanghai Science and Technology Committee Project “The methods to detect the vacuum polarization by evanescent waves”.
2009 The French government fellowship
2008 The French government fellowship
2007 The French government fellowship
1. Wei Li(#),Xiaogang Zhang,Xulin Lin,Xunya Jiang,Enhanced wavelength sensitivity of the self-collimation superprism effect in photonic crystals via slow light,Optics Letters,2014.8.1,39(15):4486~4489
2. Wei Li(#),Jun Chen,Gerard Nouet,Liang-yao Chen,Xunya Jiang(*),The methods to detect vacuum polarization by evanescent modes (APL cover image),Applied Physics Letters,2011.8.1,99(5):051112
3. Wei Li(#)(*),Zheng Liu,Xiaogang Zhang,Xunya Jiang,Switchable hyperbolic metamaterials with magnetic control,Applied Physics Letters,2012.01.01,100(16):161108
4. Wei Li(#)(*),Peijun Yao,Xunya Jiang,C. T. Chan,Dynamical study of the necklace states,Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications,2009.11.01,7(3):128~136
5. Wei Li(#)(*),Xunya Jiang,Green's Function for a Metamaterial Superlens: Evanescent Wave in the Image (invited paper),Journal of the Korean Physical Society,2012.4.01,60(8):1282~1287
6. Haiyang Huang,Hao Li,Wei Li(*),Aimin Wu,Xin Chen,Xuefeng Zhu,Zhen Sheng,Shichang Zou,Xi Wang,Fuwan Gan,High-Efficiency Vertical Light Emission through a Compact Silicon Nanoantenna Array,ACS Photonics,2016,3(3):324~328
7. Peng Wang,Wei Li(*),Qin Liu,Xunya Jiang,Giant topological magnetoelectric and optical Hall effects for a topological insulator as a defect in photonic crystals,Physical Review A,2014.7.9,90(1):4616~4627
8. Haiyang Huang,Aimin Wu,Hao Li,Wei Li(*),Zhen Sheng,S Zou,X Wang,Fuwan Gan,Routing light with ultrathin nanostructures beyond the diffraction limit,Optics Express,2016.12.07,24(25):28987~28992
9. Lin Wang(#),Wei Li(*),Xunya Jiang,Tunable control of electromagnetically induced transparency analogue in a compact graphene-based waveguide,Optics Letters,2015.5.15,40(10):2325~2328
10. Ming Li,Wei Li(*),Haiyang Huang,Jing Wang,You Li,Aimin Wu,Zhen Sheng,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,All-Angle Quasi-Self-Collimation Effect in a Rod-Type Silicon Photonic Crystal,IEEE Photonics Journal,2015.2.11,7(1):4700108
11. Xiaogang Zhang,Wei Li(*),Xunya Jiang,Confined one-way mode at magnetic domain wall for broadband high-efficiency one-way waveguide, splitter and bender,Applied Physics Letters,2012.1.23,100(4):033834
12. Hai Lu,Wei Li(*),Chun-Hua Xue,Hai-tao Jiang,Xunya Jiang,Hong Chen,High-efficiency nonlinear platform with usage of metallic nonlinear susceptibility,Optics Letters,2013.4.15,38(8):1283~1285
13. Hao Li,Aimin Wu,Wei Li(*),Xulin Lin,Chao Qiu,Zhen Sheng,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,Millimeter-Scale and Large-Angle Self-Collimation in a Photonic Crystal Composed of Silicon Nanorods,IEEE Photonics Journal,2013.4.01,5(2):2201306
14. Gongmin Qi,Miao Zhang,Lin Wang,Zhiqiang Mu,Wei Ren,Wei Li(*),Zengfeng Di,Xi Wang,Tunable, broadband and high-efficiency Si/Ge hot luminescence with plasmonic nanocavity array,Journal of Applied Physics,2016.05.01,119(22):223101
15. Cheng Lv,Wei Li(*),Xunya Jiang,Juncheng Cao,Far-field super-resolution imaging with a planar hyperbolic metamaterial lens,EPL,2014.2.6,105(2):28003-p1~28003-p6
16. Lin Wang,Wei Li(*),Xunya Jiang,Plasmonic modes in a conductor-corrugated gap-dielectric system at telecommunication wavelength,Europhysics Letters,2016.04.01,114(1):17004
17. Cheng Lv,Wei Li(*),X. Jiang,J. Cao,Effect of disorder on the hyperbolic metamaterials (IOP Highlight),Chinese Physics B,2014.3.01,23(9):097802
18. Hao Li,Wei Li(*),Jun-Jie Du,Ai-Min Wu,Chao Qiu,Zhen Sheng,Xi Wang,Shi-Chang Zou,Fu-Wan Gan,Optical total re?ection and transmission with mode control in a dielectric subwavelength nanorod chain,Chinese Physics B,2013.11.1,22(11):117807
19. Xiangtao Zhang,Defeng Zhu,Yanyan Fu,Qingguo He,Huimin Cao,Wei Li,Jiangong Cheng,Enhanced fluorescence of functionalized silica microsphere based on whispering gallery mode for nitrate ester explosives and hexogen vapour detection,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2017.01.01,5:2114~2122
20. Xunya Jiang,Wenda Han,Peijun Yao,Wei Li,Temporal-coherence gain of superlens image with quasimonochromatic source,Applied Physics Letters,2006,89(22):221102
21. Peijun Yao,Wei Li,Songlin Feng,Xunya Jiang,The temporal coherence improvement of the two-dimensional negative-index slab image,Optics Express,2006,14(25):12295~12301
22. Wei Li,Xunya Jiang,A Green's function approach to study the delay time of evanescent wave in the Negative-Index-Material supperlen,Journal of functional materials and devices,2007,13(6):18~25
23. Liang Chen,Wei Li,Xunya Jiang(*),Occurrence probability and conductance contribution of necklace states: in support of a new scenario of Anderson phase transition,New Journal of Physics,2011.5.24,13
24. Wei-Xi Zhou(*),Zhong-Hong Dai,Yan Shen,Jian-Bo Chen,Jing Li,Yu-Xiang Zheng,Hai-Bin Zhao,Liang-Yao Chen,Wei Li,Xun-Ya Jiang,David W Lynch,Study of Positive and Negative Refraction of Visible Light at the Cu/Air Interface,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,2011.8.01,80(8)
25. Wei Li(*),Xun-Ya Jiang,Green';s function approach to study the delay time of evanescent wave in the Negative-Index-Material supperlen,Journal of Functional Materials and Devices,2007.01.01,13(6):604~608
26. Zheng Liu,Wei Li,Xunya Jiang,The effective permittivity and hyperbolic quality of a one-dimensional metamaterial,EPL,2012.8.01,99(4)
27. Yang Cao,Zeyong Wei,Wei Li,Anan Fang,Hongqiang Li(*),Xunya Jiang,Hong Chen,C. T. Chan,Light Amplification with Low-Gain Material: Harvesting Harmonic Resonance Modes of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on a Magnetic Meta-Surface,Plasmonics,2013.6.01,8(2):793~796
28. Zheng Liu(*),Wei Li,Xunya Xun,J. C. Cao,Spontaneous emission from a medium with elliptic and hyperbolic dispersion,Physical Review A,2013.5.28,87(5)
29. Zheng Liu(*),Wei Li,Xunya Jiang,J. C. Cao,Spontaneous emission from a medium with elliptic and hyperbolic dispersion,Physical Review A,2013.5.28,87(5)
30. Xiao-Yong Zhou,Yan Shen,Er-Tao Hu,Jian-Bo Chen,Yuan Zhao,Ming-Yu Sheng,Jing Li,Yu-Xiang Zheng,Hai-Bin Zhao,Liang-Yao Chen(*),Wei Li,Xun-Ya Jiang,Young-Pak Lee,David W. Lynch,Study of the Correlation of Plasma Resonance and the Refractive Index to Dielectric Dispersion in the Complex Plane,JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA,2013.2.01,17(1):27~32
31. Hao Li(*),Wei Li(*),Aimin Wu,Chao Qiu,Zhen Sheng,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,Broadband compact reflector based on all-dielectric subwavelength nanoparticle chains: reflecting lights beyond normal incidence with a very high reflectivity,Optical Engineering,2013.6.01,52(6)
32. Jing Wang(#),Yi Xuan,Minghao Qi,Haiyang Huang,You Li,Ming Li,Xin Chen,Zhen Sheng,Aimin Wu,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan(*),Broadband and fabrication-tolerant on-chip scalable mode-division multiplexing based on mode-evolution counter-tapered couplers,Optics Letters,2015.5.1,40(9):1956~1959
33. Jing Wang,Zhen Sheng(*),Le Li,Albert Pang,Aimin Wu,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Minghao Qi,Fuwan Gan,Low-loss and low-crosstalk 8 x 8 silicon nanowire AWG routers fabricated with CMOS technology,Optics Express,2014.4.21,22(8):9395~9403
34. Jing Wang,Ben Niu,Zhen Sheng,Aimin Wu,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Minghao Qi(*),Fuwan Gan,Novel ultra-broadband polarization splitter-rotator based on mode-evolution tapers and a mode-sorting asymmetric Y-junction,Optics Express,2014.6.2,22(11):13565~13571
35. Jing Wang(#),Chunghun Lee,Ben Niu,Haiyang Huang,You Li,Ming Li,Xin Chen,Zhen Sheng,Aimin Wu,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,Minghao Qi(*),A silicon-on-insulator polarization diversity scheme in the mid-infrared,Optics Express,2015.6.1,23(11):15029~15037
36. Hao Li(*),Wei Li,Aimin Wu,Chao Qiu,Zhen Sheng,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,Broadband compact reflector based on all-dielectric subwavelength nanoparticle chains: reflecting lights beyond normal incidence with a very high reflectivity,Optical Engineering,2013.6.01,52(6):068001
37. Jing Wang(#),Minghao Qi,Yi Xuan,Haiyang Huang,You Li,Ming Li,Xin Chen,Qi Jia,Zhen Sheng,Aimin Wu,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan(*),Proposal for fabrication-tolerant SOI polarization splitter-rotator based on cascaded MMI couplers and an assisted bi-level taper,Optics Express,2014.11.17,22(23):27869~27879
38. Xulin Lin(#),Xiaogang Zhang,Kan Yao,Xunya Jiang(*),Wide-range and tunable diffraction management using 2D rectangular lattice photonic crystals,Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics,2014.5.01,31(5):1145~1149
39. Jing Wang(#),Minghao Qi,Yi Xuan,Haiyang Huang,You Li,Ming Li,Xin Chen,Qi Jia,Zhen Sheng,Aimin Wu,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,Ultrabroadband Silicon-on-Insulator Polarization Beam Splitter Based on Cascaded Mode-Sorting Asymmetric Y-Junctions,IEEE Photonics Journal,2014.12.01,6(6)
40. Shuai Dong(*),Wei Li,Xin Huang,Elbio Dagotto,First principles study of the magnetic properties of LaOMnAs,Journal of Applied Physics,2014.5.7,115(17)
41. Xin Chen,Chao Qiu,Zhen Sheng,Aimin Wu,Haiyang Huang,Yingxuan Zhao,Wei Li,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Fuwan Gan,Design of an ultra-broadband and fabrication-tolerant silicon polarization rotator splitter with SiO2 top cladding,Chinese Optics Letters,2016.08.10,14(8):081301~081301
42. Wei-Xi Zhou(*),Zhong-Hong Dai,Yan Shen,Jian-Bo Chen,Jing Li,Yu-Xiang Zheng,Hai-Bin Zhao,Liang-Yao Chen,Wei Li,Xun-Ya Jiang,David W. Lynch,Study of Positive and Negative Refraction of Visible Light at the Cu/Air Interface,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,2011.8.01,80(8)
43. Q. Fan(#)(*),X. P. Shen,M. Y. Li,D. W. Shen,W. Li,X. M. Xie,Q. Q. Ge,Z. R. Ye,S. Y. Tan,X. H. Niu,B. P. Xie,D. L. Feng,Weak electronic correlations and absence of heavy-fermion state in KNi2Se2,Physical Review B,2015.3.9,91(12)
44. Wei Li(*),Guiding, bending and splitting light through a silicon nanorod chain,2015 EMN Optoelectronics Meeting,Beijing,2015.4.24-2015.4.27
45. Fuwan Gan(#),Wei Li(*),Junjie Du,Hao Li,Aimin Wu,Zheng Shen,Xi Wang,Shichang Zou,Steering and tuning of on-chip optical beams,31st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2014,Beijing,2014.8.16-2014.8.23
46. Xunya Jiang,Wei Li,Zheng Liu,Xulin Lin,Xianggao Zhang,Zixian Liang,Peijun Yao,The group velocity picture: the dynamic study of metamaterial systems,DeGruyter,15000,2014.12.12
47. Wei Li(*),Xunya Jiang,Electrodynamics of Evanescent Wave in Negative Refractive Index Superlens,InTech Press,27000,2012.9.1
48. Wei Li(*),Advances in hyperbolic metamaterials,LAP - Lambert Academic Publishing,15000,2017.10.26
49. Wei Li(*),Hao Li,Ming Li,Haiyang Huang,Fuwan Gan,Steering on-chip optical beams without diffraction in a rod-type silicon photonic crystal,: InTech (专著章节),15000,2017.01.01