Research Associate

Shengyao Jin

Title: Associate Professor,

Subject: Electron Microscopy
Phone: +86-021-62511070
Fax: +86-021-62511070
Address: 865 Changning Road, Shanghai,China, 200050


Jin Shengyao, male, was born in July 1980, Nanjing, Jiangsu province. He received the Master degree of Broadband and Mobile Communication Networks from the University of Kent. He was entitled as Senior Engineer from January 2015 in Laboratory of Broadband Wireless communications of SIMIT. Currentlyhe is deputy director of CAS-Nanjing Broadband Wireless Mobile Communications Research center, and assistant director of Mobile Communications Technology Institute in Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, and deputy secretary of the Jiangsu Institute of engineers. He is responsible for the projects incubation, promoting and transfer, and promote the development of research cooperation.

He already published 3 papers in the international journal and conference, applied 35 patents, of which 12 patents were authorized invention patents. Apply for a new type of utility model patent 2, which was authorized utility model patent 2. Representative units to participate in the organization of the Ministry of industry, the IMT-A advance group standardization conference. Refining and promotion of technical programs 34, 11 were received by the conference, and 10 proposals were received by ZTE, Datang and CMCC. He has achieved the Shanghai Municipal Science and technology progress award, China research cooperation innovation achievement award, the State Grid Technology Progress Award and the National Energy technology progress award.