The successful completion of Shenzhou 11 return capsule search and rescue mission

Date:19-07-2017   |   【Print】 【close

Shenzhou eleven is China's manned space project three steps from the second step to the third step of an important transition for the construction of manned space station in China to prepare the bedding work, is the sixth manned mission, is also the current China's longest duration of a manned mission, the total flight time of up to 33 days.

According to the requirements of the search and rescue communications system using advanced independent wireless wireless broadband communications equipment to protect the main landing field of air and field search and rescue command and communication tasks. I used the independent research and development of wireless broadband communication system to complete eight helicopters and a number of ground system composed of open space integrated search and communication security system to protect the return capsule search and rescue, with a high sense of responsibility and mission, the rapid organization of personnel and equipment into the early tension In the exercise. Through nearly two months of high-intensity exercise preparation, to overcome the difficulties, on November 18 successfully completed the completion of the God of the eleven return to search and rescue command and communication security mission for the Beijing flight control center to provide a clear and smooth sound Video services, by the heads and the parties spoke highly of.